On Saturday September 17, 2016 the Western New York Chapters of the Northern Province sponsored a Kappa Town Hall. The town hall was hosted by Buffalo Alumni Chapter Polemarch Justin Lewis, Phi Chapter Polemarch Shaquille Jones and Province Kappa Spirit Committee Chairman Kent Olden. Approximately 30 Brothers were in attendance representing nearly 100% participation by each chapter.
The town hall featured Province Polemarch Kevin D. Kyles who shared the 24th Administration’s strategy to deliver on the Grand Polemarch’s Six-Point Plan. Brother Kyles emphasized the need to foster Brotherhood, supporting our Undergraduate Members and protecting the Fraternity using robust risk management processes. After Brother Kyles’ presentation, the 19th Northern Province Polemarch and Past Grand Board Member E. Kenneth Glass, Jr. provided words of wisdom and encouragement to all present.
Special thanks are in order for:
- The Buffalo Alumni Chapter for hosting the event.
- All of the Brothers that took time out of their schedules in the region to attend.
- Province Keeper of Records Maurice Etheredge and Province Board Member Greg Thomas for their help in coordinating the event.
- Senior Province Vice Polemarch Mike Kinloch, Deputy Chief of Staff Eugene Hawkins and Director of Risk Management Jeffery Jones for traveling with the Province Polemarch to the event.
- 19th Northern Province Polemarch and Past Grand Board Member E. Kenneth Glass, Jr. for providing the transportation for the Michigan attendees.

Northern Province Polemarch Kevin D. Kyles with Western New York Chapter Polemarchs

Western New York Town Hall Group Picture. Front Row Left to Right: 50 Year Member Lionel Davis, Northern Province Polemarch Kevin D. Kyles, 50 Year Member William Bobo, and 19th Northern Province Polemarch and Past Grand Board of Director E. Ken Glass, Jr.