We are proud to share that three of our past Undergraduate Province Officers are graduating from Law School this May. Brother Demetrius McCloud (Eta Rho 2012) - Past Junior Province Vice Polemarch, Brother Donovan Jones (Delta Nu 2014) - Past Junior Province Vice Polemarch and Brother Anthony McCloud II (Delta Nu 2015) - Past Undergraduate Board Member, are graduating from Howard University Law School (Demetrius & Donovan) and DePaul University Law School (Anthony) respectively. The Northern Province is proud of the accomplishments of these young Brothers. We know they will all achieved in their chosen field of endeavor.

Past Junior Province Vice Polemarch Donovan Jones (left) pictured with 23rd Northern Province Polemarch Dr. Desmon R. Daniel, PhD

Past Undergraduate Board Member Anthony McCloud II (left) pictured with his Father Brother Anthony McCloud I.

Past Northern Province Junior Vice Polemarch Demetrius McCloud.