Dear Brothers,
All of you know the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey that has caused massive destruction in Texas and along the Gulf Coast. With over 10,000 people being displaced from their homes, this is a time every one of us can play a part in assisting some of those families in need. Many of you have called and asked how can we be of service.
Our primary goal is to raise over $100,000.00 for iKare that we can use to support the victims of Hurricane Harvey. I am asking each chapter, as well as individual brothers, to donate to iKare Disaster Relief Fund so that we may provide monies to help assist some of these families. At your next chapter meeting, either through the chapter’s exchequer or individual brothers, please donate to iKare so we can support this initiative.
We have seen the devastation that has ruined many families in the areas mentioned above. Our Grand Polemarch, Thomas L. Battles, Jr. said it best, “Now is the time for us to stand up for those families, women, children, and elderly who are in need by giving.” Brothers, open your hearts and give to this worthy cause. This will be our initial step in providing support. We will endeavor to have canned food and clothing drives during the coming months.
To this end, the Northern Province Board of Directors has approved a $1,000.00 donation directly from the province’s exchequer. Additionally, the elected members of the Northern Province (Officers and Board Members) have agreed to match that $1,000.00 donation through individual contributions. It is my hope that collectively the Northern Province can raise $10,000 for this effort. Just think if just 420 members in our province donated $19.11 we would raise the additional $8,000 to reach the $10,000 goal.
Below is the information to donate:
Step 1: Donate here:
Step 2: Send email receipt here We are asking all chapters, foundations and individual brothers to please share their contribution information with the province so that we can capture the overall efforts of the province. Please note that we will not publish any names or contribution amounts to respect your privacy.
Lastly, your contributions to iKare are tax deductible.
Thank you in advance for your effort and support of this initiative. The people and our Brothers who have been affected by Hurricane Harvey need our help.
Yours in the Bond,
Kevin D. Kyles, Northern Province Polemarch